Watlington Water Service Application Guidelines


Please complete and sign all documents and ensure that your signature is witnessed on the second page of the agreement “signed by”. Once we have received all completed and signed documents your application will be reviewed and you will be notified as to whether or not the water service is feasible. If it is feasible, we will notify you of the cost.



Our Credit Controller will then review your credit application.



Upon completion of the water service installation a bill for the installation will be sent and become payable within 30 days.

Following installation your meter will be read and billed on a monthly basis as set out in Schedule II of the Agreement. 

Please note that Bermuda Waterworks Limited is only responsible for the connection from our main line up to where the meter is installed (meter inclusive). The meter is the property of Bermuda Waterworks Limited.

It is the customer’s responsibility to connect from the meter to the premises as they see fit! 

Bermuda Waterworks Limited requests that the metered water be used as a top up measure for the customer’s tank, and not to be connected directly to the premise’s plumbing system. If you have any queries simply contact us at 236-1288 or by email at water@bwl.bm.

eStatement Request
  1. If you are requesting eStatements for a business please include the contact name in the first name and last name fields. If you are requesting a residential eStatement please complete both the first name and last name on the account.
  2. Company Name
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  3. First Name(*)
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  4. Last Name(*)
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  5. Email(*)
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  6. Captcha Code(*)
    Captcha Code
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  7. Please type the captcha code without spaces and do not bold.If it does not accept your entry, click the refresh button and retype the captcha code and then submit.