How to Pay Your Bill


You can settle your monthly account by on-line payments. To do so go to your bank’s on-line banking (HSBC, Clarien and Butterfield Bank) and proceed to set up for bill payment. You will find Bermuda Waterworks Limited as a payee. Select Bermuda Waterworks Limited as payee and proceed to transfer funds directly to our Butterfield Bank account specified on our monthly statement. Be sure to state your account number in the beneficiary’s reference at the time of payment.



  1. Pay in person at our Pure Water Reception Desk at 32 Parsons Lane, Devonshire
  2. Phone in with your debit/credit card information and we will process your payment and email you your receipt



eStatement Request
  1. If you are requesting eStatements for a business please include the contact name in the first name and last name fields. If you are requesting a residential eStatement please complete both the first name and last name on the account.
  2. Company Name
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  3. First Name(*)
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  4. Last Name(*)
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  5. Email(*)
    Invalid Input
  6. Captcha Code(*)
    Captcha Code
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  7. Please type the captcha code without spaces and do not bold.If it does not accept your entry, click the refresh button and retype the captcha code and then submit.